Yashica 35 YL Rangefinders - f/2.8 & f/1.9
A Pair of Yashica 35 YL Rangefinders, with the common f/2.8 model on the left, and the rarer f/1.9 on the right Both versions were…
Argus C3 "the Brick" w/50mm f/3.5 Cintar lens
The second and seven speed version of an Argus C3, a.k.a. "the Brick", w/50mm f/3.5 Cintar lens [ Zeiss VS 35-70mm f/3.4 - 70mm…
1946 Leica IIIc w/ 1932-33 Elmar (Nickle) 50mm f/3.5
1946 Leica IIIc w/ 1932-33 Elmar (Nickle) 50mm f/3.5 lens, and OEM leather 'everready' case [ Zeiss Makro-Sonnar 60mm @ f/11 ]
Yashica YE w/ Canon 35mm f/2.8
A Yashica YE Rangefinder film camera sporting the last version of the L39 screw mount Canon 35mm f/2.8 w/ black ribbed grip, and a…
Contax G1 - Full Kit
A Contax G1 AF Rangefinder w/ Zeiss Sonnar 90mm f/2.8, Biogon 28mm f/2.8, and Planar 45mm f/2 lenses [ Zeiss Makro-Sonnar 60mm @ f…
Leotax Elite (a.k.a, T2L) w/ Fuji L 5cm f/2.88
A lever-winding 1959-ish Leotax 'Elite' (T2L), with a period appropriate Fujinon 5cm f/2.8 lens [ Contax Zeiss Makro-Planar 60mm @…
Ricoh 500 Rangefinder - Second Type from 1958
This very rare 'Black Paint' Ricoh 500 rangefinder, is the second type from a seies of 4 boidy styles produced from 1957-1960 [ Ze…
Yashica 35 CC Rangefinder
A 1970-ish Yashica 35 CC Rangefinder camera, w/ 35mm f/1.8 Color Yashinon DX lens
A set of Yashica Lynx 14 Rangefinders
A Yashica Lynx 14E from about 1968 and a slightly earlier Lynx 14 from 1965. Both with a fast and sharp Yashinon-DX 45mm f/1.4 len…
Ricoh 500 v4 'Step Top' w/ Bright-Line Viewfinder
The 4th and final version of the Ricoh 500, a.k.a. 'Step Top', w/ it's "Triggermatic" winder and Bright-Line Viewfinder [ Zeiss V…
A late 1950's Yashica YF w/ Yashinon 5cm f/1.8
The Yashica YF, based on the Nicca III-L, is a Leica Screw Mount Rangefinder Camera [ Zeiss 70-210mm f/3.5 - in Macro mode @ f/11,…
1959-ish Fujica 35-SE Rangefinder w/ upgraded 45mm f/1.9 Fujinon
A most unconventional 35mm rangefinder, w/ side mounted rewind, rear thumbwheel focusing, bottom mounted film advance, and uses LV…
Yashica YK Rangefinder w/ Yashica branded Heiland Folding-Mite bulb flash
Yashica YK Rangefinder w/ Yashica branded Heiland Folding-Mite bulb flash [ Zeiss VS 35-70 f/3.5 - 70mm @ f/8 ]
Canon VL2 w/50mm Serenar (v2) f/1.8 LTM
Top-down view: 1958 Canon VL2 Rangefinder camera, w/50mm Serenar (v2) f/1.8 LTM lens, and a Metraphot MF Light Meter [ Canon FL 55…
Canon VL2 Rangefinder w/50mm Serenar (v2) f/1.8 LTM
A 1958 Canon VL2 Rangefinder camera, w/50mm Serenar (v2) f/1.8 LTM lens, and top-mounted Metraphot MF Light Meter [ Canon FL 55mm…
Konica IIb Rangefinder
Konica IIb Rangefinder w/ Hexanon 50mm f/2.8 lens [ Canon FL 55mm f/1.2 @ f/8 ]
Konica I/IIb/IIIa Rangefinder Trio
Konica (I), top; Konica IIb, lower left; Konica IIIa, lower right. All w/ Hexanon 50mm lenses [ Canon FL 55mm f/1.2 @ f/8 ]
Fed-2b w/ 55mm Industar 61 L/D f/2.8
1958 Fed-2b in rare red body paint, w/ A radioactive 1984 55mm Industar 61 L/D f/2.8 (both Russian), a 1950's Walz 35-135mm Finder…
Leica IIIc and some Look-a-likes
Top: 1946 Leica IIIc w/ 1932-33 Elmar (Nickle) 50mm f/3.5 and a Tewe Poly Focus viewfinder. Lower: 1952-55 Yamato Pax 35 w/ Lumina…