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Adapted lenses : Supersized to Medium Format
For anyone who's chosen to use legacy lenses on digital bodies, the initial lens choices would likely be any of the zillions of manual focus 35mm full frame types. They are plentiful and cheap. They are however, not the only choice.
Yashica ML 28-85mm Cleanup
While looking for some lenses in Contax/Yashica mount for both mirrorless and film, I happened across a Yashica ML 28-85mm f/3.5-4.5 Macro that was suffering from heavy hazing on the internal elements and needed cleaning…
A How-To : Sell/Auction Photo Gear
This is written from a potential buyer and bidder's point of view - by someone who'll be looking for a new tool to acquire as an end consumer. This could also apply to other product categories of similar item types and many of the online sales or auction…
Adapt | Convert | Reuse
This article could easily start out as a kind of chicken and egg joke, like "Which came first, the camera or the lens?" If you're game enough to try it, you might find yourself preferring the old glass to the new... plus you'll have far more variety...
The start of everything
I knew nothing much about cameras when I was young. I got to push down the trigger on my Grandma's Brownie Hawkeye camera for the rare times I was allowed to take photos of the grown ups.
Speed Graphic Rescue
Whether you frequent auctions online or off, you're mindful of the possibility that you may end up with a surprise after you've paid for your winning bid. I won't guess at a figure on what the good-to-bad ratio really is, but there's always a fair chance…
T. Enami Lantern Slide Project
It's been a long time coming. A purchase I made nearly 40 years ago has recently propelled me back into a project that has been on a very slow simmer for decades. The purchased items were 2 small wooden boxes that were both filled with glass lantern…